Bowral Waste Centre (BWC) is pleased to inform you that late yesterday afternoon the last piece of the odour elimination system – the flare – arrived on site and the landfill gas specialist contractors have connected it up. The landfill gas specialist contractors are today working on getting the flare running in a steady state.
Residents should notice a decrease in any odour detection immediately and in a few days’ time once the flare is operating in a steady state should not detect any odour at all. The odour issue will then be completely resolved with the long-term solution complete and operational.
The flare is small and will not be visible to anyone off-site and burns cleanly with zero smoke (much like your instant hot water heater does). After a month or two the flare is expected to be required intermittently as our landfill is very small with hardly any organics that generate gas.
While it did take our contractors (Biogas Systems) a little longer than anticipated to get the system fully installed and operating BWC would like to thank the residents for your patience and BWC sincerely apologises for the inconvenience this odour issue has caused.
BWC would appreciate any feedback from the community around this issue, in particular if you have noticed any change to the existing odour environment and we invite you to email directly to: